New Straits Times : [138] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 138
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Majlis Konvokesyen ke 12New Straits Times 
2004Research & ConsultancyNew Straits Times 
2012Gold medals for investors at expo.New Straits Times 
2011New batch of Territorial Army officers graduateNew Straits Times 
2010Enthralled by history of Johor-Riau empireNew Straits Times 
2010UTHM to become premier centre for pencak silatNew Straits Times 
2011Helping undergrads register as votersNew Straits Times 
20111,109 officers to be commissionedNew Straits Times 
2011Batu Pahat coast erosion worsensNew Straits Times 
2011Experts refute claims on steep rise in sea levelsNew Straits Times 
2010Al-Fatihah...New Straits Times 
2010New institutes gain valuable insight from old handsNew Straits Times 
2010Varsity students get a taste of village lifeNew Straits Times 
2010Varsities get RM10m to nurture athletesNew Straits Times 
2008Dr. Mohd Noh Dalimin is new V-C for UTHMNew Straits Times 
2009Develop land or lose out, owners toldNew Straits Times 
2010UTHM staff visits NSTP officeNew Straits Times 
2008A moment to rememberNew Straits Times 
2010Varsity explores engineering wisdomNew Straits Times 
2004Keeping `customers` happyNew Straits Times 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 138