New Straits Times : [138] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 138
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20131109 officers to be commissionedNew Straits Times 
2014Majlis Konvokesyen ke 14 UTHMNew Straits Times 
2012Celebrating their graduationNew Straits Times 
2013Help to engage the youngNew Straits Times 
2013Mohd Noh reappointed as UTHM vice chancellor.New Straits Times 
2013UTHMs 20th anniversary bash.New Straits Times 
2013Khairul roars into final.New Straits Times 
2013Daulat Tuanku.New Straits Times 
2012`Grab changes to improve your economic standing.`New Straits Times 
2012Zoo visit to encourage wildlife preservation.New Straits Times 
2012Students: We`re using own funds.New Straits Times 
2004Building confidence in studentsNew Straits Times 
2012Early boost to AUG hopesNew Straits Times 
2012Siti looks for Laos.New Straits Times 
2012Prizes for ideas on voluntary activitiesNew Straits Times 
2012Campus election nationwide as at press time.New Straits Times 
2011UTHM distributes food aid to 240 familiesNew Straits Times 
2012UTHM wall system meets green challengeNew Straits Times 
2011Prime movers of nation buildingNew Straits Times 
2011Twins centre of attentionNew Straits Times 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 138